Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Seizure # 4 and #5

Well we had a horrible night last night.. Clara had 2 seizures and a very high temperature last night. We ended up back in the hospital until this morning. Please pray for our family! I am having a ton of anxiety and Clara is not well. We have an appointment at the neurologist tomorrow morning and we are praying for answers.


Hulls Clan said...

We are praying Jess...let us know what the dr. says tomorrow and let us know if we can do anything!
love you

Mary said...

Jessie, we are praying for you too. Is tomorrow when you have your appointment at Children's Mercy? If so do you know which neurologist or neurosurgeon you are seeing? We dealt with neurosurgery when Michael was at CM so feel free to email ( or call (816-309-1939) if we can help you in any way.

Love, Aunt Mary