Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More of Clara

Well, Clara is taking a little nap right now so I actually have a chance to write without her tugging on my leg. She is doing great on her medicine. It really hasn't slowed her down at all! We will go back to the neurologist on December 2nd. At that time they will take blood and make sure her perscription dose is ok. I am just glad we haven't had any more seziures. Only a 1 1/2 weeks until Thanksgiving break... I am so excited to be home for a few days. I bet money Clara is walking fully on her own by Thanksgiving. We love you

1 comment:

Hulls Clan said...

Can't wait to get my hands on that girl at Thanksgiving!!! Glad she is adjusting to her meds ok. We'll keep praying for no more seizures. Love ya